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         The adverse impact of climate change is already noticed across the World in all society-linked sectors due to weather-related disasters in the form of cyclones, floods, droughts, cold and heat waves, and sea level rise. It is important to understand the impact of climate variability/climate change on all sectors of society as a proactive measure for sustenance. The rise in global temperature is likely to be around 2-2.5°C by the end of this century with regional uncertainties in rainfall. It is a threat to the society-linked sectors viz., Agriculture, Animal Farming, Water Resources, Forestry, Biodiversity (both terrestrial and aquatic), Infrastructure, and Health. Greater initiatives have been taken by various research and development institutes and Universities in Kerala in understanding the impacts of climate change in various society-linked sectors.

      Young scholars/researchers conduct studies in climate change-related sectors as part of their Master’s and Doctoral programs. But most of the findings of the research are not widely discussed on an open platform and so it ends in academia. It is important that relevant findings which have social as well as scientific importance are openly discussed for the development practices. This proposed young Scholars Congress will provide the young researchers an opportunity to disseminate the findings of their study. IPCC reports proclaim that our Planet is likely to face catastrophic menace in the near future. This points to the urgent need for developing alternative development models to resist the effects of global warming and climate change. The Sustainable Development Goals could be achieved only by understanding timely changes in the socioeconomic and environmental situation of the state.

       The organizers believe that almost all aspects of climate change will be covered in the proposed Science congress. We are hopeful that the proposed Young Scholars Congress will be an important event and will give us insight into better development strategies to safeguard our planet/life support system from the threats of global warming and climate change.

Wild Fire


  • To provide a platform for young scholars to deliberate their research findings on climate change impacts 

  • To document climate change impacts on various ecosystems and livelihoods with special reference to Kerala 

  • To identify various methods of resilience to overcome the detrimental impacts of climate change on various ecosystems. 

  • To develop appropriate climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies for ecosystems and livelihood. 

More Important Informations

Please go through these pages, so you can understand more about this program

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